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The Sports Science Faculty of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (FIK UNY) has gone on such a long journey. If it were a human, it would reach middle age, a period within which someone is mature both mentally and physically. Nevertheless, FIK UNY keeps developing itself and striving for achievement.
FIK UNY's journey began after issuance of letter of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 6216/B dated August 9, 1950 regarding establishment of Akademi Pendidikan Djasmani (APD) or the Physical Education Academy under W de Baan and AR. Tampenawas. On October 1, 1951 the academy was transformed into the Department of Physical Education under the Pedagogical Unit of the Faculty of Literature, Pedagogy, and Philosophy of Universitas Gadjah Mada. On September 19, 1955 the pedagogical unit of the Faculty of Literature, Pedagogy, and Philosophy of Universitas Gadjah Mada was transformed into the Faculty of Educational Sciences, the home of the Department of Education and Physical Education. The Faculty of Educational Sciences UGM was later changed into the Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences UGM (FKIP UGM) on September 1, 1961. Following this, on September 1, 1962 the Faculty of Physical Education UGM (FPD UGM) was first founded, replacing the Department of Physical Education of FKIP UGM, with Dean Arma Abdoellah, M.Sc., serving as the first dean.
The Faculty of Physical Education UGM later became the Yogyakarta Institute of Sport (STO Yogyakarta) chaired by Arma Abdoellah, M.Sc., according to Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 23 of 1963. It was not until February 22, 1977 did STO Yogyakarta integrate itself into IKIP Yogyakarta to become the Faculty of Teacher Training and Sports Science IKIP Yogyakarta (FKIK IKIP Yogyakarta). FKIK IKIP Yogyakarta later changed its name into the Faculty of Sports and Health Education IKIP Yogyakarta in 1981.
As mandated, IKIP Yogyakarta was then reformed and converted into Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. As a part of the former institute, the Faculty of Sports and Health Education changed its name into the Faculty of Sports Science Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (FIK UNY). This transformation took place in 1988.
Finally, at FIK reunioun in 2007, FIK pioneers agreed that FIK UNY was founded on October 1, 1951 when the Department of Physical Education first joined the Pedagogical Unit of the Faculty of Literature, Pedagogy, and Philosophy of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
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