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Purpose of FIK UNY
In particular, the objectives of FIK UNY are as follows:
1. The implementation of excellent, creative, and innovative academic education to produce graduates of applied bachelor's, bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees who master the science of sports technology, along with their development based on piety, independence, and intelligence;
2. The implementation of superior, creative, and innovative academic education to form human beings who have expertise according to their fields of work based on piety, independence, and intelligence;
3. The implementation of superior, creative, and innovative research activities to discover, develop, and disseminate knowledge, sports technology that supports regional and national development, community welfare, and contributes to global problem solving, based on piety, independence, and scholarship;
4. The implementation of superior, creative, and innovative research activities in the field of sports to realize findings that support the formulation and implementation of new policies in the field of ducation, and can support the improvement of various educational models and practices based on piety, independence, and scholarship;
5. Implementation of superior, creative, and innovative community service activities in the field of sports to develop the potential of human resources based on piety, independence, and scholarship;
6. The realization of good, clean, and authoritative management and services of faculties, departments, and study programs in the implementation of higher education autonomy based on piety, independence, and scholarship;
7. The creation of superior, creative, and innovative learning processes and environments that are able to empower students
8. The realization of cooperation with other institutions, both national and international, creatively and innovatively to improve the quality of the implementation of the tridharma on the principle of equality and mutual benefit based on piety, independence, and scholarship.
Kontak Kami
Gedung Pusat Layanan Akademik (GPLA)
Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan dan Kesehatan
Telp. 0274-550826
Fax. 0274-513092
Email: humas_fikk@uny.ac.id
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