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2nd YISHPESS - 1st CoIS (2018)
First of all, please allow us to extend our warmest greetings and welcome to you all to the 2nd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sports Science (YISHPESS 2018). The conference is held in conjunction with The 1st Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS) by the Faculty of Sport Sciences Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on October 26-27, 2018.
The community building and development require integrated aspects in physical education and sports. These issues should be solved by researchers, lecturers, students and even practitioners to share and present their current research. The purposes of the conference are to share and present the reflection and research results related to Physical Education, Health, and Sports Science. In another issue, interdisciplinary approach has been defined as cross disciplines with an in-depth knowledge in one aspect working together to solve problems. Interdisciplinary approach in sports is very important to gain optional result of performance. In line with the first goal of this conference, it seeks better
understanding both in theoretical and practical situation in every expert’s aspects.
With the YISHPESS’s conference theme: “Community Building and Development through Physical Education and Sports” and CoIS’s theme: “Integrating Sports Science Intervention to Optimize Human Performance”, approximately 236 papers have been submitted at this conference but only 169 of these have been accepted for the presentation after a blind peer review process. We do hope that this conferences proceeding can enrich our understanding of the role of physical education, sports, and health in maintaining community building and development as well as become a meeting point for academics, sport practitioners and sports professional to share ideas and knowledge for improving performance in sports.
We would like to thank to all parties who helped running this program. Hopefully, all the time and efforts we have spent for these two conferences may be beneficial and impactful for the future.
Yogyakarta, October 20, 2018
Organizing Committee
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Gedung Pusat Layanan Akademik (GPLA)
Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan dan Kesehatan
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