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PON PAPUA XX has come to an end, but its excitement still resonates to this day. Fourteen out of 31 FIK UNY students participated in the event won medals. No gold medals were brought home except that these young people are FIK UNY's golden boys. They deserve praise and appreciation for all their fight and hard work.
Bayu Prasetyo who competed in athletic competition won a silver medal.
In beach volleyball tournament, Yokebed Purari Eka Setyaningrum picked up silver while Imtaq Anshori Shihab and Ilham Akbar won bronze.
Archer Okka Bagus Subekti won bronze while archer Hendra Purnama brought home one silver medal and one bronze medal.
Competing in wall climbing competition, Dyah Puspitaningtyas successfully won a bronze medal.
Two taekwondo athletes, Raden Odo Prangbakat Suryosukamto and Anisa Nuroktaviana, picked up silver after competing in the matches.
While tennis athlete Rafli Feby Putra Tri Prasetyo won the bronze medal, Novela Rezha Millenia Putria Sari and Achad Imam Ma'ruf won one silver and two bronze medals each.
Lastly, kurash athlete Nur Afif Berliani received a silver medal.
The 20th National Games (PON) in Papua, with the tagline Torang Bisa!!, was held from October 2 to October 15, 2021. Initially scheduled to take place in November 2020, this event was postponed due to Covid-19. Papua province was selected as the host province after competing against Bali and Aceh and winning most votes (66 votes) in PON host election at KONI's annual meeting. Being the main venue for the 20th PON in Papua, Lukas Enembe Stadium hosted both the opening and closing ceremonies. Occupying an area of 13.7 hectares, the stadium has a seating capacity of 40,000.

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