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The Sport Tourism Tech team was selected as UNY's Best Sport Coaching Startup 2021 in the event held by the Faculty of Sports Sciences Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta on November 4, 2021. The Sport Coaching Start Up Summit 2021 was the launch of 15 startups mentored by the Sports Coaching Education department of the Faculty of Sports Sciences (FIK) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) held in the ballroom of Hotel UNY. Members of the team include Miya Kurniawati (CEO), Frizki Rifai Faszha (CMO), Muchamad Rizky Fajrin (COO), Amanda Prawesti Nurmana(CMO), and Adimas Satrio Wibowo (CTO), all of whom are students of the Sports Coaching Education (PKO) department UNY, mentored by a lecturer, Dr. Abdul Alim, M.Or, and a professional mentor, M. Abdurrohman Al Hafidz, from IDMetafora. Sportotech is an e-commerce platform that helps tourists find information on sports tourism.
In this event, 15 sports startups mentored by PKO department FIK UNY were symbolically inaugurated by UNY Rector, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes., following a gong hitting ceremony. Prof. Sumaryanto is supportive and proud of the rising of sports startups, saying "As UNY is now going through a process of obtaining a PTNBH (autonomy) status, the rising of startups, education, and entrepreneurs will make the university's position stronger in the future."
Vice rector for general and financial affairs, the dean of FIK, the heads of study programs and the heads of departments, lecturers acting as mentors, UNY's professional partners, and all 15 start-up teams attended this event. The event was lively with each team displaying their innovation. In her report, Prof. Dr. Endang Rini Sukamti stated that the goals of this event are to develop entrepreneurial interests and motivation, and build a startup ecosystem in sports field among students of Sports Coaching Education.
The Chief Executive Officer of Sport Tourism Tech (Sportotech) Miya Kurniawati took a highly positive view of this event, saying that Sport Coaching Start Up Summit 2021 initiated by PKO UNY encourages students to engage in entrepreneurial activities, "The startup event conducted by PKO is remarkable and is good for developing students' skills. Here, students are challenged to be creative, innovative and active to develop skills other than those they get from school. It is hoped that startup events like this continue in the future to facilitate students' sports innovation and develop sports sciences along with the advancement of technology." Further information on Sportotech can be accessed from website (Prasetyo)

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